Katawa Shoujo Cover

Katawa Shoujo


Katawa Shoujo is a bishoujo-style visual novel set in the fictional Yamaku High School for disabled children, located somewhere in modern Japan. Hisao Nakai, a normal boy living a normal life, has his life turned upside down when a congenital heart defect forces him to move to a new school after a long hospitalization. Despite his difficulties, Hisao is able to find friends—and perhaps love, if he plays his cards right. There are five main paths corresponding to the 5 main female characters, each path following the storyline pertaining to that character.

Katawa Shoujo Screenshot
Katawa Shoujo Screenshot
Katawa Shoujo Screenshot
Katawa Shoujo Screenshot
Katawa Shoujo Screenshot

Release Dates

PC (Microsoft Windows)Jan 04, 2012MacJan 04, 2012LinuxJan 04, 2012



Game Modes

Player Perspectives


Game Engines


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